Court in Australia shifts responsibility for harmful online content found on the Facebook pages of local publishers or media companies

Court in Australia shifts responsibility for harmful online content found on the Facebook pages of local publishers or media companies
Stopping toxic trolls? All users to effectively be given ability to switch off comments on posts, or limit those who can comment
Far reaching ruling by ECJ could have big implications for other tech firms, and there is no appeal open to Facebook
Britain is behind other nations when it comes to the smart grid, and that needs changing, says Rahoul Bhansali
Research In Motion CEO talks about trimming the fat and playing to win
Facebook's $5 billion initial public offering could give the social network a market capitalisation akin to Silicon Valley's two other giants
More businesses are signing up to join private cloud services as record growth becomes the norm, says Frank Ohlhorst
Solar power has been only capable of producing a small part of data centre energy needs, but this may change, says Peter Judge