That's gotta hurt. Samsung financials bear testament to the pain inflicted by the Galaxy Note 7

That's gotta hurt. Samsung financials bear testament to the pain inflicted by the Galaxy Note 7
The flexible battery could be used for gadgets carried in wallets or worn on the body
Limited battery life with Surface Pro 3 is down to a software problem, Microsoft confirms as it readies patch
Sofant plans to commercialise smart antenna by 2018, boosting Wi-Fi performance and battery power consumption
Chipmaker reassures Android users following overheating concerns caused by Quick Charge functions
Scientists claim rechargeable battery breakthrough with drastically increased battery lifespan
Eli-Home can help make better use of solar power cells and provide a backup source in the event of outages
Hardware could also be used to power the likes of electric cars in the future
Next-generation batteries can charge up to 50 percent in a matter of minutes
Researchers find that iPhone 6S and 6S Plus devices powered by a Samsung chip last far shorter than those from TSMC
Researchers in the US and China have developed an aluminium-based electrode that drastically reduces batteries' lithium consumption
Breakthrough design could mean smaller, more powerful batteries than ever before
Swiss watchmaker says new batteries will last far longer than the Apple Watch
Sakti3's technology could ultimately double battery life for electric cars and smartphones
Apple design guru says that fans crave portability and sleek design
Israeli company says it can charge a device's battery over a hundred times faster
The ultimate act of recycling? IBM turns old lithium-ion batteries into useful power supply for the poor
The bio-organic battery from StoreDot that can be fully charged in just 26 seconds, could be available on the market in 2016
Scientists invent coating to prevent visits to hospital A&E departments due to battery ingestion
New chip will potentially tackle one of the biggest bugbears for smartphone users, namely battery life
Sony warns of a serious risk of fire from its new Vaio hybrid laptop launched in February
Microsoft fixes an irritating problem with Skype on Android devices, which could drain batteries
Breakthrough from American scientists means your smartphone or tablet could be sugar-powered in just a few years
Apple stores are to receive special machines to enable on site repairs of damaged iPhones
Solar panel moves automatically to catch more rays
Boffins assure sceptics they are not taking the proverbial after revealing a mobile phone charged by urine
Researchers in America claim to have invented a new type of “super battery” that may transform gadgets
New smartphone supports up to 17 hours talk time
Nokia responds to customer complaints over battery with a Lumia 800 update
Fibre to the cabinet is "one of the biggest mistakes humanity has made" former BT exec tells the House of Lords