Bad news for Nokia and Ericsson, as one of the largest mobile operators in the United States opts for 5G equipment from Samsung

Bad news for Nokia and Ericsson, as one of the largest mobile operators in the United States opts for 5G equipment from Samsung
Big demand expected for next generation iPhone handsets, as Apple reportedly asks suppliers to build 75 million 5G iPhones
After France recently restricted Hauwei from 5G networks in the years ahead, Bouygues confirms removal of 3,000 antennas by 2028
White House pledges $1 billion for research push in the United States into artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and quantum computing
Fifth member of intelligence-sharing group delays formal decision, effectively forcing Canadian operators to exclude Huawei 5G equipment
5G growth. The White House has announced a spectrum auction to strengthen “the United States’ leadership in 5G communications”
Huawei to launch £10m UK laptop marketing push this month, as China's ambassador to UK says relations have become 'seriously poisoned'
Major telcos and operators in Portugal say they won't use Huawei for 5G network, despite there being no government ban on the kit
Additional auction of 5G spectrum that was due in the Spring should not go ahead after Huawei removal decision, Vodafone says
More reaction to the decision this week by the United Kingdom to ban Huawei from supplying equipment for British 5G networks
Decision by United Kingdom to ban the use of Huawei 5G equipment by 2027 draws immediate reaction from operators and telecom experts
Prime Minister Boris Johnson orders the removal of Huawei 5G equipment, following GCHQ recommendation and US sanction action
Ahead of government announcement on Huawei, BT warns it will be 'impossible' to remove all its equipment in under ten years
Sandrine Duriaud-Leysens, Marketing Manager Europe et US, Global Cloud Xchange, explains how the network has become almost a convenience and the basic principles are at risk of being forgotten.
Government expected to give mobile operators five years to remove all Huawei equipment after companies warned of service blackouts
Executives from Vodafone and BT give MPs a blunt assessment of the time needed and the cost to remove Huawei equipment
Government said to be considering dramatic reversal of earlier 5G plans on new security advice from NCSC, but Huawei calls report 'speculation'
Cheeky offer? Senior Ericsson executive says his firm can replace all of Huawei's equipment in the UK's 5G networks
As IoT and IIoT continue to rapidly develop, could this explosion in data collection result in vast improvements to how we manage climate change? When every aspect of our environment can be tracked and analyzed, does this allow more practical actions to be taken to curb the impact that climate is having across the planet?
Change comes after earlier US measures against Huawei had backfired, resulting in American companies disengaging from 5G standards processes
The US is reportedly in talks with Brazil to finance Ericsson and Nokia 5G equipment in the country as a measure to block Huawei's expansion
Huawei says UK's 'own interests' at stake in decision on whether to allow it to help build 5G networks, warning of economic losses in the tens of billions
The Astro Slide is Planet Computers' third device with a Psion-like physical keyboard, eschewing the clamshell form factor for a unique slide-out hinge
As remote working becomes the norm for many businesses, what does this mean for network access and flexibility? Already video conferencing services are straining to deliver their services to a mass user base. Add in security issues, in this scenario, could your WAN cope?
USB stick that claims to be a 'bioshield' against 5G emissions is exposed in product teardown, as seller insists it works but will not provide evidence
Not again. A 5G phone mast in Liverpool has been set on fire, amid foolish conspiracy theories that wrongly link 5G and coronavirus
5G mobile phone mast set on fire only days after it was erected, as experts condemn theories that link 5G networks to public health risk
Prime minister Boris Johnson has reportedly ordered plans drawn up that would see Huawei's involvement in UK's 5G networks reduced to zero by 2023
Telecoms equipment giant says its survival is at stake with regulatory changes that would cut off its access to semiconductors manufactured outside the US
Selling off the crown jewels? BT is reportedly in talks to sell a multi billion pound stake in its hugely valuable Openreach division