Press release

Phone2Action Introduces Convo; New Tool for Writing Letters to Lawmakers Increases Impact of Advocacy Campaigns

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a creator of advocacy and public affairs software, announces the
immediate release of Convo, a new addition to the Phone2Action advocacy
platform. Convo is an interactive, customizable advocacy template that
enables organizations to guide their supporters through the process of
writing personalized and impactful letters to lawmakers and other

“We have heard time and time again from Hill staffers and elected
officials that personal letters from constituents carry more weight than
generic, static messages,” said Jeb Ory, CEO, Phone2Action. “With Convo
we have taken the work out of composing genuine, unique messages and as
a result, anticipate not only an increase in messages sent but also a
greater impact for organizations engaged in this type of advocacy.”

Leading companies such as ACTwireless and Los Padres Forest Watch will
soon adopt Convo to further their advocacy goals.

“Convo engages the advocate in a deeper way and provides higher quality
messages to the decision-maker. It makes such a big difference for the
legislator to receive a thoughtful, personalized message from the
advocate. In fact, the Bureau of Land Management recently said that they
weren’t going to count form letters. Since it makes it easy for
advocates to write unique comments, Convo will be a crucial part of our
advocacy strategy moving forward.”
—Rebecca August, Public Lands
Advocate, Los Padres ForestWatch

Convo’s step-by-step, guided writing flow uses fill-in-the-blank
sentences and pick-your-favorite-phrase writing tips to make the process
of letter writing as simple as possible for citizens, thus increasing
the number of advocates who send letters and the impact of those
letters. What’s more, organizations running the campaigns can tag these
personalized stories for future use, such as in a Town Hall meeting or
in social campaigns.

For more information about Convo, visit

About Phone2Action

Phone2Action is a comprehensive digital advocacy and communications
platform for public affairs and grassroots advocacy. For more
information, please visit: