Press release

ERI Featured in Time Magazine Coverage of 4G to 5G Switchover

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the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s
largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company, has been
prominently featured in a Time Magazine article about the impending 4G
to 5G switchover and the glut of e-waste it is likely to generate in its

The article, titled “The
World Has an E-Waste Problem
,” describes the “fresh mountain of
obsolete gadgets” that occurs whenever new technology emerges and how a
significantly disruptive technology shift such as the forthcoming 4G to
5G switchover could be the most dramatic example yet, with millions of
devices suddenly becoming obsolete.

Several photographs taken at ERI’s Fresno facility illustrate the
article, which also includes a description of ERI’s innovative shredding
technologies. It also includes multiple expert quotes on the subject by
ERI Co-Founder and Executive Chairman John Shegerian and ERI Co-Founder
and COO Aaron Blum. In his comments, Shegerian explains that, “I don’t
think people understand the magnitude of the transition. This is bigger
than the change of black-and-white to color, bigger than analog to
digital, by many multitudes.”

“It’s an honor to be included as a resource for Time Magazine, and we
applaud journalists like the Time’s Alana Semuels who are following and
reporting on these issues,” said Shegerian. “Already faced with an
enormous glut of e-waste, businesses, individuals and government
agencies need to be prepared to recycle their electronic waste,
particularly with the emergence of 5G on the horizon. All unwanted or
obsolete items should be properly recycled from an environmental and
data protection standpoint.”

The article appears in the June 3, 2019 issue of Time.

ERI is the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset
disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction
company in the United States. ERI is
at the highest level by all leading environmental and data security
oversight organizations to de-manufacture, recycle, and refurbish every
type of electronic device in an environmentally responsible manner. ERI
has the capacity to process more than a billion pounds of electronic
waste annually at its eight certified locations, serving every zip code
in the United States. ERI’s mission is to protect organizations, people
and the environment.
For more information about e-waste recycling
and ERI, call 1-800-ERI-DIRECT or visit