News Cloud Management

How Secure Is VMware’s Virtualisation Lead?

There's plenty of competition for VMware in making virtualised data centres, despite its strong lead. Is now the time to switch to Hyper-V or XenServer, asks Cameron Sturdevant?

Energy Star 5.0 Debunked

As the new standard comes into effect, Peter Hopton takes us through half a dozen of the leading "eco marks" out there and discusses their practical implications

At Last Google Apps Drops The Beta Label

You can't have it both ways, says Jim Rapoza. If Google expects users to pay for a service, then it can't call it a beta. Beta software is not ready for prime-time, by definition

NetApp Abandons Bid for Data Domain

UPDATED: EMC will acquire Data Domain for $2.1 billion, as NetApp says NetApp it can't justify a bidding war that would reduce the deal's benefits.