According to Price Waterhouse Coopers, MPLS revenues in Western Europe will fall by 12% ($2BN) by 2020. This decline has already started with the commoditization of services such as MPLS IP VPN. And with over 65% of enterprise customers surveyed by IDC saying they will adopt a hybrid WAN within 18 months Service Providers need an innovative approach to diversify revenue streams.
SD-WAN (Software Defined Wide Area Networks) is the disruptor driving much of this change. Service Providers need to embrace, rather than resist, the stated aim of 70% of enterprises to adopt SD-WAN. To help you understand the wider implications, Juniper Networks has teamed up with Price Waterhouse Coopers to deliver a number of seminars that will show how Service Providers can tap into new SD-WAN enabled revenue streams to offset declining MPLS revenues.
If you are part of the Service Provider organization responsible for designing and developing MPLS services – especially VPN services – or if you are a product manager responsible for the Profit and Loss for those services the SD-WAN Summits, hosted by Juniper Networks, are for you.
Amit Dhir – Dir. Management Consulting, PWC
Scott Alexander – Senior Cloud Automation Architect, Juniper Networks
Davd Noguer Baiu – Global Strategic Marketing Manager, Juniper Networks
10:00 Registration and coffee
10:30 Welcome
(Neil Dunham, Dir Sales, UKI Major Service Providers)
10:35 SD-WAN for Service Providers – Threat or Opportunity?
(Amit Dhir, Dir Management Consulting, PwC)
11:15 The Juniper Point of View: SD-WAN as a platform for growth
(David Noguer Bau, Global Strategic Marketing Manager, Juniper Networks)
11:45 The Juniper Solution: High level overview
(Scott Alexander, Senior Cloud Automation Architect, Juniper Networks)
12:15 Panel Session Questions and Answers
12:30 Summary and Close
(Neil Dunham)
12:35 Networking Buffet Lunch and Depart
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