The Green Side Of Business Process Management

BPM isn’t just management consultants tweaking your organisation. It can lead to cost savings and sustainability

As an IT organisation, you have the power today to use technology to significantly reduce consumption across all three of these areas.

By adopting and standardising a common platform throughout your organisation, for Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Architecture and Modelling (EA), you can have an immediate impact on both cost-saving and environmental improvements, and deliver a platform for ongoing improvements and long-term sustainability. At the same time, you can also drive strategic business process improvement that will ultimately help you gain significant operational advantages.

What are BPM and EA?

Business Process Management is an approach to business process improvement that focuses on modelling and understanding how you do business; looking at ways to improve the efficiency of key business processes; automating processes; and measuring, monitoring, and fine-tuning processes for ongoing improvement across your operations.

A BPM suite is a set of technology that allows you to achieve effective business process management and support continuous improvement. The best BPM suites are designed to provide a platform for deploying an unlimited number of processes of all types, on a single technology platform. This reduces the need for multiple applications to support various business needs.

Enterprise Architecture and Modelling are functions designed to understand the current assets (systems, information, people, products) in an organisation, and their interdependencies, and to plan new models and asset acquisitions to support future growth. EA and modelling technology allows for the graphical modelling of the enterprise, collaboration on models and enterprise strategy, and the management of enterprise asset portfolios.

Together, EA and BPMS technology provide a common framework of understanding that helps organisations align strategy with execution, and foster collaboration between the business and IT functions in an organisation.

A common platform for BPM and EA provides significant short-term and long-term benefits in the form of greater visibility, lower costs, increased productivity, enhanced agility and response time, and numerous other positive benefits. But BPM and EA technologies also have the potential to deliver a lesser known value proposition – greener operations.