MoD Gets Secure Cloud For Application Hosting

CGI to host MoD’s Information Systems and Services applications from secure spot in Wales

2 min

The UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) is set to launch a new private cloud platform for application sharing which is claimed to be both secure and long-term, designed to support the MoD for the next 20 years.

The cloud-based app hosting environtment has been created by IT firm CGI, formerly known as Logica. The platform will help the MoD adopt a shared services model for app hosting.

Information Systems and Services

The MoD’s Information Systems and Services (ISS) department has already moved its first applications to the new platform, official called the Foundation Application Hosting Environment (FAHE). Procured through G-Cloud, the framework will help provide platform and desktop services for MoD’s ISS.

CGI’s VP of space and defence Steve Smart said in a press release: “MOD ISS is taking an important step towards delivering the Government’s vision of using  flexible cloud services. The CGI platform is compliant to Defence and pan-Government ICT strategies and architectures.”

MoDSmart also noted the cost benefits of CGI’s platform, claiming that the firm can provide “the most appropriate source with the agility and cost of industry best practice”.

The announcement comes a week after George Osborne announced the 2015 budget, and at a time when it was revealed that the Ministry of Defence underestimated its 10-year equipment plan bill, possibly resulting in Britain’s defence budget falling short by £5.2 billion.

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