CloudStack Achieves First Release As Apache Incubator Project


CloudStack 4.0 adds integrated Amazon Web Services support, among other features, as the project expands beyond Citrix

CloudStack developers have released their first code as an open source incubator project under the Apache Software Foundation, a significant move as the software progresses toward full project status at Apache.

The new release, version 4.0, improves support for software-defined networking (SDN), integrates support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) API compatibility and creates a framework for the addition of future features, developers said.

CloudStack donation

In April Citrix controversially pulled out of OpenStack, another open source project, and donated its CloudStack code to Apache, thus creating an OpenStack rival. Citrix itself had acquired the code from in July 2011. Other CloudStack competitors include OpenNebula and Eucalyptus.

In order to fully benefit from its new position under the Apache wing, CloudStack still needs to attract outside developers, something which is still at the beginning stages, developers said.

CloudStack now has at least nine code committers involved in the project from outside of Citrix, whereas before the Apache move no external committers were participating, CloudStack developers said. However, Citrix remains the project’s principal source of developers.

Native support for Amazon’s infrastructure is a significant step, particularly since Citrix cited lack of full AWS support as one of its reasons for withdrawing support from OpenStack. On a practical level, the change means that AWS and Amazon S3 compatibility no longer need to be installed separately.

New features

Other new features include the ability to create network tiers using firewall governing policies, support for locally accessed storage within a CloudStack framework, and support for the dedication of server hosts for high availability. The release also includes security fixes.

CloudStack developers said Citrix’s code has been re-licensed for the release, moving from the GPLv3 licence to the Apache 2.0 licence, something needed to ensure proper code dependencies.

While CloudStack has not yet established a regular schedule for releases under Apache, the next CloudStack release is expected in four to six months.

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