The Green Side Of Business Process Management

BPM isn’t just management consultants tweaking your organisation. It can lead to cost savings and sustainability

There’s no one way to save the planet, but one thing is clear. The change has to be global, and companies must move from looking at individual pollutants. They have to get creative and adopt environmentally friendly and sustainable business operations across the board.


IT organisations are in a unique position to take a leadership role in driving initiatives to establish more environmentally sustainable business practices, reduce carbon footprints and support a greener supply chain.

While one definition of greener IT may be reducing the amount of power consumed by systems, there are other ways that IT organisations can more creatively drive change to support the environment, while at the same time also generating significant cost savings for the business. To do this, IT and other corporate stakeholders need to re-examine the fundamental processes and practices that drive the business on a daily basis. Think about these basics:

  • Paper: How much paper do you consume as an organisation?
  • Fuel: How much fuel is wasted on inter-office location mailings and paper mailings to customers and suppliers?
  • Hardware & Software: How often do you bring on yet another specialized application or system to support a single business process or business function?