Tech Quiz: Obscure & Obsolete Social Networks

twitter, meta, facebook, youtube, social media

What do you remember at Friends Reunited, Bebo, Myspace and the like?

In 2017, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a few others dominate the social networking landscape.

A period of consolidation and expansion has seen these juggernauts transform from humble origins into platforms that have become one stop shops for many web users.

social media

The impact of these services on democracy, publishing and advertising, to name but three, is evidence of their influence.

But it wasn’t always like this. In the early 2000s, a number of social networks competed for our attention. Some were for niches like music and video games, while others offered an easier, passive way of keeping in touch.

Some even came from Britain.

In our weekly Tales in Tech History  feautre, we’ve looked at a couple of these in detail in recent weeks, but we thought it was time to test your knowledge with our…

Obscure & Obsolete Social Networks Quiz!