Tech Quiz of The Week: IT Jargon

Can you makes sense of all the acronyms?

The tech industry is so full of jargon we often question whether anyone has the faintest idea about what any of it means only neither the IT assistant or CIO is willing to risk losing face and asking someone to explain just what a hyper-converged server is?

Tech Jargon

Unknown Generic Man with Blank Empty Anonymous Face © Michael Brown - FotoliaBut nevertheless, the IT industry is awash with all manner of nebulous terms; were thinking of FPGA rather than the cloud.

So do you know your digital disruption from your CPU, your HTTPS from NAS or is it all just a jumbled mass of terms that you have to feed into Google to get any form of alacrity?

This week we fired up the office spinning jenny to dig up some lovely jargon and acronyms to pop in our Tech Quiz of the Week; go and give it a go.

Crack the jargon: Take our quiz!